Certificate GAP Summit | bakanlık yazısı arge-1 | 11 Firma Hakkında-2 |
11 Firma Hakkında-3 | 10 international Registration certificate tasarım tescil görsellik-1 | 11 Firma Hakkında-1 |
10 international Registration certificate tasarım tescil görsellik-2 | 9 PCT World patent office uluslararası patent tescili-1 | 6 ICID certification Paper publication ICID conferance -1 |
8 Teknolojik dalda ödüle aday gösterilme DSİ -1 | 7 Tarım Bakanlığı Başarılı destekli Arge Proje bitrime belgesi-1 | 5 certification ICID international irrigation and drainage conferance-1 |
2.marka tescil belgesi-1 | 1 Patent belgesi-1 | 4 ISO 9001 Yeni Belge-1 |
3 rüçhan hakkı belgesi-1 |
Century Innovation for Subsurface Tile Drainage Envelope Hydroluis New Concept Anti Roots & anti Sediment Never Clogging
A New Drainpipe‐Envelope Concept for Subsurface Drainage Systems in Irrigated Agriculture
Various filters and envelope materials have been produced in order to prevent siltation and blockage in subsurface pipe drainage systems. These are organic and inorganic materials, ready rough wound materials, synthetic and organic fibres. It was determined that Hidroluis pipe-envelope combination showed a great performance in terms of penetration resistance according to the first year’s results of the study conducted in order to determine its potential to be used in subsurface drainage systems as a material that prevents penetration of plant roots into the pipe and that drainage waters carried 34 g m-3 of silt.
What we solved and Why Hydroluis drainage pipe system ? HYDROLUIS, a new drain–envelope concept, has been developed to overcome the problems of clogging, sedimentation and root growth inside subsurface drainpipes !
Adventage &
Characteristics of Hydroluis® Drainage
First Anti-Plant roots Drainage pipe On the world. (It does not emit moisture from the pipe holes).
Anti-bacterial (Iron Oxide was effecting Iron Ochre, Calcium carbonate and sulfate was effecting biofilm clogging problems on other drain pipe envelope).
First drainage pipes saving the underground water in drought seasons. Works only when water table rises above specified levels.
Best performance flowing and minimum sediment enterance than all system during land fit period.
Eliminates requirement for annual maintenance or internal cleaning of drainage pipe and guarantees the strength life cycle and operational performance of plastic.
Showing longer-term operating performance in all types of soil conditions as compared to competing drainage systems.
Long term operating costs of the drainage pipe proves to be the most cost-effective.
After laying the system, disadvantages of growing plant roots are turned in advantages as this system increases water flow in the direction of drainage pipe.
Usable in shallow impermeable grounds, i.e., near the plant roots.
Clogging problem
with all type envelope
Hydroluis can work
during pipe life period without maintenance
Hydroluis Drainage Pipe New innovation System Always Clear !
Wageningen university Drainage seminar |
Drenaj Semineri Urfa |
drenaj Boru semineri Şanlıurfa 2 |
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Hydroluis drenaj boru sistemi temizHydroluis Drenaj Boru sistemi her zaman en iyi performansı gösterir. always drainage pipe hydroluis with best performans in all season or life period of drainage pipe |
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Working Group On Drainage ICIDICID2015 ICID conference Side Event Working group on Drainage |
Picasa - interior from hydroluis Drainage pipe after several years |
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Picasa - Hydroluis Drainage Application Laying the system |
Picasa - in Governmental area Hydroluis Test |
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TAGEM Daire Başkanı Bülent Sönmez & Prof. Dr. idris Bahçeci imza töreni sonrasıü |
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Picasa - DSI Hidroluis Sunum Bikti kökü Girmeyen dünyadaki ilk ve tek Drenaj bo |
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Lily PondDescribe your image here |
Gravel&sand / Fiber Geo-textile Envelope system Problems !!
Arazi etüdü Şanlıurfa drenaj çalışamalrı |
Drenaj _ Drainage pipe Arazi etüdü boru içi görüntüleme |
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Geotextile filter drainage pipegeotextile drainage envelope manhole have always problems. elyaf sarımlı zarf malzmeleri olan drenaj boruları menhole her zaman için bu durumla karşı karşıya kalabiliyor. |
Geotextile silted in short timeResearch on subsurface drainage geo textile envelope silted in short time |
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jeo teks silt |
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elyaf ve kum çakıl zarf malzemesiBoru içi görüntüsünde her zaman için elyaf ve kum çakıl zarf malzmelerine bitki kökü girmektedir. elyaf olan zarf malzemeleri daha yoğun bir şekildedir. |
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10450343_690118827710024_2474062264087072484_n.jpgGeotextile is not resisting roots |
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HYDROLUIS DRAINAGE PIPE SYSTEM Research And Development sponsored by
Hydroluis drainage concept presented in Conference 2015;
Hydroluis Drainage Pipe System Video on Youtube
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